Uganda Trip #9
The Power of Partnerships – Final Post: Trip #9
Friday, June 3rd (start by watching the video above. Click on the man I know affectionately as 2nd Dennis). This last post marks the end of a four-year partnership that could change the face of the church in northern Uganda and beyond for years ahead. I’m currently sitting in a park in Hudson by myself. […]

Out of Africa?: Trip #9
Thursday, June 2nd I am home and I think the jet lag is behind me (one never knows) on this the final trip of our four-year excursion (COVID made it longer) into Africa. The goal has been met and I am grateful. We believe we have established the foundation for the vision of an abiding […]

Meet Junior: Trip #9
Sunday, May 29th The day after we finished our training, we headed to Murchison National Park so Joel, the Training Leaders International Curriculum Director, could go on his first safari. We had a decent safari (you become a snob of sorts when you’ve been on three!), and Joel left for the airport the next morning. […]

Heading Home: Trip #9
Thursday, May 26th. Today was time to say goodbye to South Sudan and make our way home! We left the Lui Cathedral at 7:00 am to start the 35.5 hour trip home. We drove to Mundri airport which was a bit busier than on Monday. There were about 75 UN peace keeping troops, as well […]

Graduation Day: Trip #9
Saturday, May 21st Meet the first cohort graduates of the Living Stones Pastoral Training Center! Graduations are a big deal in Uganda, and it is not that out of the ordinary for family members to run up to a student after receiving a certificate and dance and shout around them as they make their way […]

When All Hail Breaks Loose: Trip #9
Friday, May 20th I woke up this morning (Friday, May 20th) in Uganda. Several texts awaited me when I entered the wi-fi zone, alerting me that a hailstorm had come through Hudson, denting cars, and scarring roofs. My neighbors let me know that our cars and home were not exempt. Our insurance agent says that […]

Ugandan Hope and Help: Trip #9
Friday, May 20th Meet Jonathan (see the picture). Mike and I met Jonathan at the lodge we stayed at between finishing our teaching and heading back for graduation. Born to American parents in Brazil, they currently reside in Lakeland (not THE Lakeland, the one in FL). He has seen a lot in his life. He […]

When You Can’t Find AAA: Trip #9
Thursday, May 19th We arrived at the Pakuba Lodge in Murchison Falls National Park on Tuesday. Every time a newbie comes on a trip, we investigate the possibility of going on a safari. Joel seemed quite interested and so the plan was for us to drive the 4.5 hours there, catch the 4 pm safari […]

All Done?: Trip #9
Wednesday, May 18th Monday marked the last teaching session with a group of church leaders that I have come to love. We completed lesson nine of the nine courses that make up the curriculum that Training Leaders International created to help the 70% of pastors worldwide who serve without any formal biblical training. Our goal […]

The Iffymobile: Trip #9
Sunday, May 15th Today we worshipped at the church on the compound known as Abaana’s Hope, which also houses the Pastoral Training Center which we serve in. Things were definitively livelier than I’m used to as over thirty pastors from our group joined the regulars. Without any sermons to preach or matters to be responsible […]

Time to Teach: Trip #9
Friday, May 13 Thursday and Friday were our first two days of teaching for this course. We go from 8 am to 4 pm with two breaks at 10:00 am for breakfast and 1 pm for lunch. Each course contains ten lessons, and the plan is to complete two lessons a day over a five-day […]

Cross Country: Trip #9
Wednesday, May 11 We arrived in Entebbe on time, and we all had our documentation correct to move through the immigration line quickly. Unfortunately, they weren’t ready for us to move through the immigration line quickly. You could tell the westerners in the crowd. They were regularly switching lines to find a more advantageous route […]

Cast of Characters and a Surprise: Trip #9
Sunday, May 8 This is a bit different than posts I have written for past trips, as I am writing for churches in New Richmond, Somerset, Baldwin, River Falls and Hudson, rather than the usual Hudson only. I’m Larry Szyman one of the pastors of Faith Community Church-Hudson (FCCH) and this is my seventh trip […]