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Faith Women

Women in the Word

Session 1: September – December*
Session 2: January – April*

Thursday Mornings from 9:30 to 11:30am, at FCC.

Ladies – Join Women in the Word (WiTW) this fall as we study the Bible using an inductive study method. This year’s study is the book of Mark.

Inductive study means we use the Bible to answer detailed questions about the Scripture. We make observations, then move into interpretation and seeing who God is in the Scripture. Each lesson is wrapped up with personal application. The materials guide you through this process over four days.

The cost for the study materials is $10. 
Childcare is provided for ages birth – 5 years. Please pre-register your child.

Contact [email protected] if a scholarship is needed.


Contact: Ranie Gross | [email protected]

Faith Women

Create Fall & Winter Retreats

Craft | Relax | Eat | Engage

Join other women as we rest from daily responsibilities to fellowship and create together.

Check the events page on this website and the app for information on events.

Contact: Dawne Roby | (651) 755-4588

“There are so many reasons why Women in the Word has impacted me in a huge way. One reason is just how much I’ve grown in my knowledge of the books of the Bible we’ve studied. Secondly, the women in the group come from many different backgrounds and points in their faith. It’s so encouraging to walk along this road together and gain in our faith and knowledge of Christ.”

Kim, Women in the Word

“I am always blessed with how God speaks to me personally through His word because of Women In the Word – while preparing and as women share. And, it continues to bless me greatly to see women of all ages enjoy and grow together in knowing God, in prayer, and in Christian fellowship.”

Margaret, Women in the Word

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