O Come Let Us Adore Him
Worship in Spirit and Truth
Speaker: Tim Porter
Scripture: John 4:19-26, Hebrews 10:19-26, and 12:18-29
Kingdom First: Church and Nation
Church & Nation Conversation Series
Explore the Kingdom First: Church & Nation sermon series further with these question and response episodes. Questions were submitted from FCC attendees and viewers.
Come and See
About Come and See?
There are just some things about Jesus you are never going to really understand until you really see him. But, his glory is revealed through a series of ‘signs’ and interactions that he has around five classic Jewish institutions: a Wedding, the Temple, a Rabbi, a Sacred Well, and the Sabbath. Through these institutions and interactions, Jesus reveals that he is the true bridegroom who will bring the long-awaited blessing of God, he is the true Source of Life and Light, he is Spring of Living Waters, he is the Source of all Healing and Rest.
Sacred Head?
About Sacred Head?
A mysterious and organic union exists between a husband and wife, like the union that exists between Christ and his church. We want to clarify what this union means for men in particular and equip our body to lean into that mystery together. Men are called the “head” of the marriage. But this idea of headship has been misunderstood and misapplied too frequently in Christian marriages. In Ephesians 5:25, husbands are told to “love their wives as Christ loved the church.” This means that our theology of Christ’s love will be determinative of how a Christian wife is loved. Of course, husbands are not Christ, but even though we cannot duplicate it exactly, we are nonetheless commanded to imitate the love of Jesus and seek to be like Christ in his love.
Why Do I Do What I Do?
About Why Do I Do What I Do?
Why is it so hard to change? Why is it so hard to help other people change? The series explores human behavior, motivations, and the role of idols in our hearts. This sermon series delves into the complexities of human behavior, seeking to unravel the underlying motivations that drive our actions. This series examines the presence of idols in our hearts and the impact they have on our relationships and life direction. It guides listeners to envision a life free from idols, rooted in biblical truths and spiritual transformation.