Uganda Trip #13 | Post 4

Today we got to work.  With about 40 trainees, we met at 8 am in the Pastoral Training Center. After a few worship songs, prayer and announcements, we broke up into three groups: two three-hour lessons on the nature of epistles using the book of Ephesians. Today we worked on analyzing the author’s (Paul) argument in Ephesians 2:1-10. It took a while, but the trainees seemed to understand the process which can be transferred to any other epistle. We are helping equip them with tools for the week and beyond.

My group of eleven (three are missing today) are meeting in the elementary school library. Every time I teach, I work with the same guys, so we are getting to know each other well. Things got a bit warm as the temp hit 98 degrees today yesterday the forecast for Friday was a high of 107!!! It is cooling off to a “comfortable” 100 degrees… Things are cooling down nicely, so I don’t think there will be any sweating in my sleep tonight.

I’m going to cut this short because I am very tired. The picture is taking place during my class. it is fun to see them growing together.

Larry Szyman

Pastoral Associate