Uganda Trip #10

Airports and Air Time | A New Mission Post #7
The flight from Entebbe to Amsterdam was uneventful. Actually, there was a great event. I slept for nearly four hours! That is a rarity for me, and I am grateful for it as my last night in Gulu netted only two hours of sleep (which did allow me to finish my John Grisham novel and […]

Travel Time, Long Time | A New Mission Post #6
Last night was disappointing…As I mentioned in our last post, Delta changed our flight path back, due to Uganda’s recent history with Ebola (I already had COVID on a previous trip, how bad could Ebola be?). We were told the CDC required that we be routed through one of five airports in the US, and […]

Signing the Dotted Line | A New Mission Post #5
Today was an important day. We finished our time here with some final words of encouragement and afterward, those who came to kick the tires were asked to come forward to sign a document committing to the time (three years) and the tasks involved in pursuing an informal theological education with Training Leaders International (TLI). […]

Classroom Joy | A New Mission Post #4
Today, we took prospects for the next cohort and exposed them to the Training Leaders International (TLI) curriculum in the classroom. Mike, Stu and I took about 15 each into a classroom for three hours of experiencing what we have to offer: rigorous equipping in understanding and communicating Scripture. We spent time studying Mark 2:1-12, […]

The Taster Event Begins | A New Mission Post #3
Today (Monday) we get down to business, helping those interested in the next cohort understand what is being offered and expected of them. Kris Mobbs put the schedule together and he did a masterful job. He started by going through the schedule for the next two and a half days. We broke the group of […]

Preparations and Settling In | A New Mission Post #2
January 6-8 We woke up in Entebbe to drive across the country 6-7 hours to Abaana’s Hope, the name of the compound we stay at. Over the years, I’ve grown accustomed to the sights, sounds and smells of Uganda. People generally follow the rules as they drive. The road is shared by eighteen-wheelers, small motorcycles, […]

Off We Go | A New Mission Post #1
January 4 – 5, 2023 I woke up on Wednesday morning to a winter wonderland. After a brief time of marveling, I spent about an hour and fifteen minutes shoveling wonder. I commend the city of Hudson for the great job of clearing off twelfth street. I wasn’t as excited for the pile waiting for […]