A New Mission | Trip #2 | Post #5
Monday, March 27th. Today we began the real work of training African leaders. After a time of prayer at the guest house, Mike, Stu and I walked to the Pastoral Training Center, arriving a few minutes before our 8 am start time. Every trainee was in place and they had been singing and praying together for 15 minutes. They were eager. When we had our breakfast break (10:00-10:45 am), my guys were in their seats five minutes early. Apparently, they don’t attend FCC!
We had a great start. My team consists of 15 guys, three of which are from Congo. They are hungry, eager, and participative. There were a few times my questions were not responded to. Fortunately, the guy sitting right in front of me is very expressive and when his face gets contorted, I know I’ve missed the mark. It took me two do-overs to make a few of my questions more accessible. Our lessons today were on Knowing God and Making Him Known and focusing on God’s attributes of sovereignty, wisdom and goodness. Our trainees are intelligent and hard-working: I think it’s going to be a great three years!
With my clothes arriving yesterday, I felt I could take a good walk since I could now sweat in the clothes I am wearing. I met my goal of 12,000 steps and hope for more. I ran (walked, actually) into a young man wearing a Wisconsin t-shirt. I asked if I could take a picture and he was willing (see the picture?). He had no idea what the W stood for. I broke my sweat and am at 14,500 steps….a good day.
We had dinner tonight (roast beef, potatoes, green beans and chocolate cake!) at Kris and Julie Mobb’s home. Kris is the main guy out here and Julie is a gracious host and a very disciplined jogger. We shared stories about leaving our first kids at college, as their oldest will be attending Samford University in the fall. They will take a furlough starting in May to help him with the move.
We started sharing stories about getting married and it turns out that Julie’s dad never officially said yes amidst the tears he was shedding. Kris is pretty sure he approves as Kris has helped provide five grandchildren. We are now at the guest house winding down and hoping for a better night’s sleep than last. I slept from 10:30-11:30 and 2:00-6:00.
Is it worth it? Absolutely. I’d still like a good night’s sleep.
Today’s quote from Union with Christ: The Way to Know and Enjoy God by Rankin Wilbourne is…
“When you become a Christian, Christ unites his life to yours. “You are not your own” (1 Cor 6:19); you gain a new identity.” Page 104.