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Manger and Crown_Behold
Join Us_Behold

We hope you and your family will join us in taking a moment to Behold Jesus this Christmas. Our services will include traditional music, a message from Pastor Tim Porter, and a candle-lighting to Silent Night.

Your children are welcome with you in the service. There will be childcare for ages 0-5 (we appreciate their RSVP) and gift bags for children in grades K-3 (no Faith Kids programming will be taking place).

We encourage you to invite guests and family members who would be willing to attend church with you for Christmas.

Cookies and beverages will be served in the Refuge Room for those who would like to stay after the service.

Let us know you’re coming_Behold

Your RSVP to one of our services will help us plan for attendance.
Please RSVP using one of the buttons below. 

There are no morning services on December 24.


To prepare for Christmas, we invite you to spend time in December reading the Bible. These passages have been designed to help us behold the coming of Jesus. (This plan is also available at the info desk in the lobby at Faith Community Church).

Week One Devotional__Behold

When God chose David to be the King of Israel, he was doing many holy things. One of them was to anoint a man who would foreshadow the eternal king (whom God intended to send the world one day). He wanted a man who was lowly and unexpected. He wanted a man who would demonstrate the fear of the Lord in all things, and repentance in all his wrongs.

Seven of David’s older brothers were passed by for king, with God saying about them, “The LORD sees not as man sees.”

When God brings his kingdom to the world, he often chooses a way we could never predict.

SOAP Prompt:
What unpredictable things are happening in your life that need the hope of the work and promises of God?
(you will encounter some of God’s promises in this week’s reading)

Pray before you read, asking God to speak to you about your life.

December 3 – 9 (Prophesies of a King)

  • 1 Samuel 16:1-13
  • 2 Samuel 7:8-17
  • Isaiah 11:1-10
  • Isaiah 42:1-9
  • Isaiah 9:1-7
Week Two Devotional_Behold

At the point in time when the eternal King was to be born, God sent a forerunner to help prepare the hearts of people.

Those who would choose to acknowledge and follow the king needed to be reminded of good and evil; and called to choose, once again, what is good.

Those who know and follow God have always been those who respond to God’s word to man: “Sin desires to have you, but you must rule over it” (Genesis 4:7).

This story has always been true: those who are willing to repent from all that leads to death are those who become ready to receive the life that saves.

SOAP Prompt:
What can you confess and repent of this week, preparing your heart to worship and receive God in your life?

Pray before you read, asking God to speak to you about your life.

December 10 – 16 (John the Baptist & Jesus)

  • Isaiah 40:1-5
  • Luke 1:5-25
  • Luke 1:26-56
  • Luke 1:57-80
  • Mark 1:1-11
Week Three Devotional_Behold

Why do we worship God and remember the birth of Jesus together?

The birth of Jesus is the unusual, unexpected act of God towards humanity, where he sent his son (his essence, his image, his own presence) to the world and allowed himself to become vulnerable to all the evil that oppresses us.

Only a man can overcome evil on humanity’s behalf – and every man begins as a baby. When he arrived, all of heaven knew his worthiness, though the story of what he would do was not yet told, nor understood.

But these things were known to be true:
He would live. He would grow. He would speak. He would heal. He would save. 


Behold! A savior, who is Christ the Lord!
Behold! Immanuel, God with us!
Behold! The lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world!

SOAP Prompts:

What do you see when you behold Jesus? How would you like God to help your heart to behold him this week?


Pray before you read, asking God to speak to you about your life. 


December 17 – 23 (Behold!)

  • John 1:19-29
  • Matthew 1:18-25
  • Luke 2:1-15
  • Luke 2:16-21
  • John 1:1-17