The Taster Event Begins | A New Mission Post #3

Today (Monday) we get down to business, helping those interested in the next cohort understand what is being offered and expected of them. Kris Mobbs put the schedule together and he did a masterful job. He started by going through the schedule for the next two and a half days. We broke the group of about 70 in half. One group did a get-to-know-you exercise, and the other took a tour of the 100-acre facility known as Abaana’s Hope. An hour later, the groups alternated their activity. This was followed by two testimonies given by men who participated in the last cohort, testifying to the impact it had on their ministry. Then we had lunch.

After we got back together, Mike Evans and I had an hour to help the cohort know about the curriculum: how it is laid out, the goals, and how we would present it. It was well received and only a few questions were asked. We had two more testimonies and called it a day. These testimonies were so encouraging to us. We had not realized the impact that had been made upon these leaders. One in particular, was from a man named Vincent. He started as a security guard for Abaana’s Hope, held a variety of roles, and is now an effective pastor. Today’s focus was on half of the training they receive through the Training Leader’s International material. Tomorrow (Tuesday) they will hear about the other half of the training. Materials from Nine Marks ministry will help them in what is commonly referred to as pastoral theology, that is, how to be a pastor. The combination of these two facets are proving to be quite helpful. 

Part of what takes place in these cohorts is having fun. We went out at 4 pm and in 97-degree heat to play volleyball, while many played football (aka soccer). The relationships that are built during this season can serve these pastors well into the future. I played some volleyball and gave evidence of the body and mind that were not in sync! 

This group seems to be better communicators in English than our previous one, which is really good news. There is one guy in the group that speaks eleven languages. As I tell these trainees, I don’t consider myself smarter than they are, I simply have been given resources that they have not. I look forward to seeing how this process unfolds.


Larry Szyman

Pastor for Missional Life