Biblical Counseling
Free help and hope from the Bible. We believe God’s Word, the Bible, is sufficient to resolve life’s most challenging situations and questions. There is hope and we’d love to help you find it.
Life can be very difficult at times. At Faith Community Church, we would count it a privilege to help you during these times. Our confidence is not in ourselves, but in God and His all-sufficient Word. So if you are struggling in your marriage, having bouts of depression, anxiety, or fear, have experienced abuse, are struggling with parenting, addiction, or other issues–let us share with you the sure hope and answers found in God’s Word. Our trained counselors will treat you with respect and care as they seek to point you to this wonderful hope.
What is Biblical Counseling?
Biblical counseling is counsel from the Bible, which we believe to be sufficient for everything that pertains to life and godliness (2 Pet. 1:3-4). It is akin to discipleship or sanctification. Whereas preaching is the public ministry of the Word, counseling is the private ministry of the Word. We believe in speaking the truth and in love.
Who can receive counseling?
Faith Community Church has been blessed by its church body to be able to offer counsel, free of charge, to anyone who calls. With that said, priority is given to our church members/attenders. If you are not a Faith Community Church member/attender and want to be put on the member/attender list, this can happen by beginning to attend Faith Community Church. We would love to have you, and our counseling “success” rate is significantly higher with those who are from Faith Community than those who are not.
“I have a deeper understanding of my identity as God’s child, made in his image, forgiven and renewed, chosen by him.”
“Biblical Counseling is a safe place to be loved by other brothers and sisters who love and pray for you, as well as challenge you. I continue to use the gifts and tools shared with me.”